Mumbai: There was a time when Bollywood’s heartthrob Ranveer Singh owned the title of best boyfriend in town. But it looks like Janhvi Kapoor’s beau Shikhar Pahariya has dethroned and won this title to his name. Why you ask? The latest reaction of Shikhar to Janhvi’s post is the answer to all. Shikhar is often seen routing for his ladylove Janhvi, but this latest comment of him on Janhvi’s BTS post from her song Devara along with Jr NTR is everything.
Janhvi shared the BTS of her song Dheere Dheere from Devara where she looked breathtakingly beautiful and Shikhar couldn’t resist and commented,” Wow. Who is this Goddess”. This comment of Shikhar on Janhvi’s latest pictures is going viral and the fans are calling the actress a lucky girl and we couldn’t agree more.
When Janhvi Kapoor called her Shiku the most secure guy on Karan Johar’s show Koffee With Karan 8
Janhvi is all open about her relationship with Shikhu, and she even happily spoke about him on KWK 8. In an interview with Mirchi Plus, she even called him her support system after the death of her mom and had said, “He has been in my life since I was 15-16. I think my dreams have always been his dreams and his dreams have always been my dreams. We’ve been very close. We’ve been each other’s support system almost as if we’ve raised each other”.
Janhvi Kapoor will reportedly soon tie the knot with Shikhar at Tirupati Balaji temple of Sri Venkateswara Swamy.