Mumbai: India’s longest sea bridge Atal Setu, inaugurated a year ago, recorded an average traffic of fewer than 23,000 vehicles per day, lower than the initiation projections of handling more …
Atal Setu
CCTV footage from the Atal Setu control room revealed the incident, Mumbai (Maharashtra): The body of a 40-year-old banker who stopped his car on Mumbai’s Atal Setu and jumped into …
Mumbai Trans Harbour Link, or Atal Setu, was inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi on January 12 (file). Mumbai: More than 50 lakh vehicles have used the Atal Setu, the country’s …
The dramatic rescue was captured on CCTV Mumbai: A woman attempted to jump off the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link, also known as Atal Setu, in Mumbai but was saved by …