The Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TGCSB) arrested a fraudster who used a dead person’s SIM card to siphon off funds to the tune of ₹20.18 lakh into his account. The …
Telangana Cyber Security bureau
The Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TGCSB) on Wednesday arrested a person from West Bengal for his involvement in an investment scam where a victim from city lost ₹5.27 crore. Saidul …
Telangana registers over 58,000 cybercrime cases in first half of 2024, loses ₹898 crore
by Adminby AdminTelangana has the dubious distinction of having crossed the 50,000-mark in cybercrime cases in the first half of 2024. The State reported 58,654 cases between January and June, in …